You might not know it, but Vietnam and Bangladesh have a lot in common.
Over the next few decades, Vietnam and Bangladesh will be the 1st and 3rd fastest-growing markets in the world, according to PwC . PwC predicts that, with average GDP per capita growth of 4.5 and 4 percent, Vietnam and Bangladesh will grow faster than China (3 percent), Japan (1.5 percent) and the United States (1 percent) between 2016 and 2050.
That growth will see Vietnam and Bangladesh become the 20th and 23rd-largest economies in the world. But the similarities don't end there. Both countries have large populations and a young, productive and growing workforce. And this demographic dividend will fuel growth still further.
Barriers remain to improving the trade and investment environment in both countries: While Vietnam jumped 14 places to number 68 in the World Bank's latest Ease of Doing Business rankings, Bangladesh found itself at number 177 (out of 190 countries).
So, Bangladesh and Vietnam – and the companies who invest there – share unique challenges and opportunities. And with so much in common, there is much both countries can learn from each other.
Following the recent UN announcement that Bangladesh is set to graduate from a "least developed country" to a "developing country", EuroCham and DFDL, a law firm with offices in 8 countries across South and Southeast Asia, are delighted to host an information session to discuss invaluable investor insights.
Join us to find out more
The legal and business environment in Bangladesh and a comparison with Vietnam
- General macro economic situation in Bangladesh;
- Business/Investment Challenges and opportunities;
- The pros and cons of the Garment sector: What Can Vietnam learn from it?
General Manager for Business, Product and Design Development at Transtech Vietnam
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