A few days ago, for the first time in history, US oil prices crashed into negative territory as the evaporation of demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic left the word awash with oil and not enough storage capacity. Recent world oil prices are also about to witness the third consecutive weekly plunge.
Described as "oil armageddon", this price catastrophe is said to be "something we may not see again in our lifetime"; although it is still uncertain when this downturn will be followed by a recovery.
Join EuroCham and our honoured guest speaker at upcoming Zoom webinar to gain insights on the global specialphenomenon:
NOTE: Please note that reservation needs to be made 24 hours prior to the event and cancelation needs to be done 2 days in advance otherwise no-show fee will be charged.
The ticket fee will be as 200,000 VND for payment made before 04 May and 300,000 VND for payment made before event’s date.
Kindly note that reservation will be based on "first come - first served basis" and need to be made 24 hours prior to the event