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The implementation of Digital Invoice has been a mission of the Vietnamese financial authorities for a number of years yet has faced some delays due to various setbacks related to technology infrastructure, business adoption, and overall project management bottlenecks. Nevertheless, a large proportion of companies in Vietnam have already adopted e-invoicing, with the deadline for all companies to implement this scheduled for the middle of 2022.

Join EuroCham at the webinar to revisit the process of getting to where we are now, the current state, and the next steps of the Digital Invoice journey. In addition, with the compliance perspective, we will also explore the benefits of e-invoicing from automation and a technical perspective and address the associated risk and challenges that we need to be mindful of despite the significant gains of this initiative.




  • Member Price | Bank Transfer Payment


    500,000VND for payment completed before Oct 14 and 700,000VND afterwards

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  • Non-member Price | Bank Transfer Payment


    700,000VND for payment completed before Oct 14 and 900,000VND afterwards

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Ms. Linh | or calling 024 37 15 2228