Membership Selection

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Ordinary Corporate Member - Small & Medium Enterprises - Direct EuroCham
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Dec 31st
Prorated Price
This membership includes 2 member slot(s)

Company with a legal presence in Vietnam in a form permitted by the laws of Vietnam that fulfill any of the following conditions:

  • Is established under the laws of any EU Member State
  • Is a majority-owned subsidiary of companies established under the laws of any EU Member State
  • Has substantial ties to the EU

Size of company: Only applicable if none of the LE classifications are met and fulfills any of the following conditions:

  • Has less than 500 employees in Vietnam; or
  • Has less than 1,000 employees globally; or
  • Has operations in less than 5 countries 


  • Only 1 Nominated Representative per Ordinary Corporate Membership is entitled to voting rights
  • A small and medium enterprise member (SME) enterprise is entitled to nominate 2 Representatives who will receive Membership Cards
  • Representative offices are judged by their mother company structure and not by their own size in Vietnam
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Total Due:$ 0